
Monica Amburn, MS, RD, LDN is a leading registered dietitian and nutrition communications expert with over 15 years of experience working in nutrition, health and fitness. With a passion for helping people understand the difference between scientifically proven nutrition advice versus marketing ploys, Monica wants people to understand what is real, and what is actually worth doing, when it comes to nutrition for better health.

Monica’s love for food and nutrition has landed her in a variety of roles over her career. Monica began her career as a clinical dietitian in various medical settings, while also gaining experience in individual  weight loss and sports nutrition counseling. Beginning in early 2010, she left the medical field to serve as a corporate dietitian and spokesperson for a large grocery retailer, spanning 7 southeastern states. Monica has appeared in over 100 media interviews and features for her nutrition expertise, covering television, radio, print, and social media.

Monica is a proud recipient of a Bachelor of Science degree in Foods & Nutrition from Radford University in Virginia, where she also completed her dietetic internship. In addition, she also holds a Master of Science degree in Nutrition & Dietetics from the University of North Florida. Monica is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RD or RDN), and is a Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist (LDN) according to regulated practice guidelines in her home state of Florida. She is also an active member of the American Society of Nutrition, as well as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and the Academy’s practice groups for Food & Culinary Dietitians and Dietitians in Business & Communications.

Monica is currently employed by Vestcom International, Inc as the Senior Director of Health & Wellness, where she has the privilege of working with grocery leadership teams and supermarket dietitians across the country to create customized health & wellness programs that help shoppers make better decisions at the point of purchase. For more information on Vestcom, and their proprietary healthyAisles® program for supermarkets, please see here.

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