I Tried It – A Collagen-Based Beauty Supplement
This post is sponsored by Taut® Collagen. However the statements and opinions expressed are entirely my own, and based on my own individual experience. As a dietitian, I’m educated and trained to be skeptical of food products and supplements that sound too good to be true. For good reason, as it is my mission to help […]
“I Only Shop the Perimeter” – A Nutritional Humblebrag Myth, Debunked
As a dietitian, I often find that others try to relate to me with their knowledge of the latest nutrition media stories and trends, which of course I love to discuss. However, I sometimes cringe at some of the blanket nutrition rules that are echoed to me from the media, such as “all carbs are bad” […]
ABC’s of Weight Loss: C & D is for Cleanse & Detox
“Cleanse and detox for faster weight loss”. I mean, it sounds strategic & promising, doesn’t it? And it is a message that is blasted to you every time you open up your Instagram or Facebook feed from some sponsor or ‘fit-spirational’ account. So, do you think that a cleanse or so-called-detox is really necessary for you […]